Prahran Market Say Cheese 2020 – Gotta Have Faith


Prahran Market stands as Melbourne’s oldest continuous market. For over 150 years, they have been a destination for locals and visitors alike, providing incredible fresh produce, delicious cuisine and much more. Faith has been working with Prahran Market for more than 10 years, and in that time has seen their brand undergo several adjustments to meet the current need of their consumers.

In recent years, one of the more successful activations we sought to assist with was destination events, developing creative around festivals celebrating specific foods and cuisines. In the past, we helped with Chocolate Festivals, Truffle Festivals, Barbeque Festivals and more. However, one of the most successful activations was Prahran Market’s Cheese Festival.

Rebranded in 2018 as the Say Cheese Festival, over the course of one day in late September, all of the Prahran Market traders join together to celebrate the oozy, gooey goodness provided by all the different varieties of cheese. And Faith has been right there, every year, assisting in key branding and collateral development.

For the 2020 edition, change was fundamentally required due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While Prahran Market has been able to continue trading with COVID-safe guides in place, it was simply unreasonable to continue with Say Cheese in its previous guise. As such, it was determined that over a period of three days, through a combination of digital and physical activations, Prahran Market would hold a new and improved Say Cheese Festival.

The key piece of creative for this campaign was the hero poster, to be prominently displayed around the market for regular shoppers to see, developed by our internal creative and design team. While the imagery had been developed for a previous year, it was cleaned up and updated in new colours to reflect the new approach with key messaging and events being clearly communicated.

This creative was then spun out into other formats, including images for social media management, landing page banners for web development and GIFs for digital display. Each one of these elements maintained the same creative theme throughout, appropriately developed to be engaging and in line with the rest of the campaign.

The newest element of the campaign was a series of illustrations developed, aimed at engaging with users on a more viral level. Based on a series of clever cheese puns that tied in with the state of lockdown in Victoria, including “Absence makes the heart grow Fondue”, and “Lockdown can be really Grating”, our wonderful designers came up with cute graphical illustrations coupled with dynamic fonts to build out a comprehensive concept. These would appear on merchandise as well, including t-shirts and tote bags, keeping customers engaged with the Market outside of being there.

Ultimately, while the result of the campaign is yet to be fully measured, we’re incredibly proud of the work that we achieved with Prahran Market, especially in the working-from-home environment that most in Victoria are currently dealing with. It is a credit to the relationship built between Faith and Prahran Market that we were able to work through this process quickly and effectively, and we look forward to working with them on their upcoming Christmas campaign and future efforts in 2021.

For more information about how Faith can help your business, get in touch with us today to learn more.

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