Happy 21st Birthday

Twenty-one years ago, in July 2003, we established The Faith Agency with a clear vision “to provide our clients with commercial advantage through clever creative thinking”.  Central to that [...]

Do Double Standards Apply ?

The authorisation of advertising material in the public domain is something that needs more discussion.  For most ad campaigns the industry sets high standards in terms of producing communication [...]

PTP Has Really Changed

When I first studied marketing, ‘Buyer Behaviour’ was a subject that focused on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the importance of quantitative and qualitative research. In the simple ecosystem [...]


After nearly two years of restrictive movement most Australians are looking forward to reconnecting with their families and loved ones at Christmas.  Despite the new variance and an acceptance [...]

Don’t Stop The Clock

  Now that re-opening is a reality it is interesting to contrast the way many marketers are looking to the future. James Wright a founding partner of Melbourne based ‘Sayers’ in a recent [...]

Lockdown 5.0 .Whats next?

Most of the people I speak to are finding Lockdown 5.0 more difficult than any of the others we have endured.  The virus has mutated into a new strain and will no doubt, in time, mutate again.  I [...]

What’s Next?

In recent times most of us have been anchored to our computer screens, trying to reach out to our customers and endeavouring to connect in a meaningful way.  Established work patterns and [...]

Hibernation over?

  As we slowly start to awaken after our enforced hibernation it is interesting to look at some of the significant changes that have occurred in the way our behaviour has changed.   Recent [...]

Looking Up

Recently I attended a breakfast hosted by the Outdoor Media Association entitled ‘Look Up’. The key speaker was Dr Fiona Kerr. Dr Kerr gave a thought-provoking address on the importance of human [...]

Treading water

The seasonally adjusted May retail figures show retail sales up 0.1% following a fall of the same number in April and 0.3% growth in March. Whilst the election result appears to have had a [...]

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